Charles Longstreth, M.D.
In a recent issue Dr. Charles Longstreth attacks Dr. Gary Kohls’ call for a real investigation into the apparent controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers. Longstreth makes several errors. First, he assumes that Arabs actually hijacked planes on 9/11. In fact, there is not a shred of evidence that any of the 19 patsies, or any Arabs for that matter, were even on the planes, and overwhelming evidence that they were not–including reliable reports of ten of them turning up alive after 9/11. Additionally, the clocked speed of the WTC attack planes through the thick sea-level atmosphere — almost 600 miles per hour in the case of the alleged Flight 175 — proves they were not manually-hijacked Boeing passenger planes, which would have been almost certainly ripped apart, and certainly uncontrollable, at such speeds and altitudes. (Source: Pilots for 9/11 Truth.)
Second, Longstreth claims that “nobody has leaked any important information” about the 9/11 false-flag operation. In fact, there is a long list of important 9/11 whistleblowers including Sibel “Feith and Perle financed 9/11” Edmonds, Minnesota’s own Colleen Rowley, FEMA videographer Kurt Sonnenfeld, and assassinated WTC-7 whistleblower Barry Jennings.
Third, Longstreth claims that if the three WTC skyscrapers came down in controlled demolitions, the demolition experts responsible would have been murdered, and we would have heard about it. He ignores the distinction between civilian and military demolitions experts, and the fact that the latter category includes people whose expertise is kept secret, and who are chosen and trained for keeping secrets. Additionally, any Israelis involved in 9/11 would know that the truth could destroy their country, while the lie is crucial to its survival; they would therefore be highly motivated — even beyond the usual material rewards and familial death threats — to remain quiet.
Dr. Longstreth, please visit Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s website. You will learn that the explosive destruction of all three WTC skyscrapers included ten exclusive features of controlled demolition. Unexploded chunks of nanothermite high-tech explosives have been found, in great quantities, in the dust of the World Trade Center, according to a peer-reviewed article in Chemical Engineering Journal. WTC controlled demolition is no longer conspiracy theory, it is conspiracy fact.
Ohhhh! Kevin, you slay them. Please put your powers to telling what will happen shortly within this year, and of concerning next's…
Patrick F
You are Greatttttttttttttttt Doctor Barrett,
God blessssssssssssssssssssssssss You and
your family